Adult Group Lesson Sundays -Day Camp Registration OPEN! Private Lessons too
Adult Group Lesson Sundays -Day Camp Registration OPEN! Private Lessons too
Sisters of the Wild Wisdom Day Program, first and third Saturdays in
April and May 9:30-4:30, 2024
come to one day or all...
August 2024 Weekend Campout !
Tangle Cove in Mars Hill N.C.
A woman owned homestead cove
Map and Compass
Shelter Building
Water Filtration and Purification
Professionally taught archery on traditional recurve bows
(beginners welcome)
Axe Throwing
Edge Tool Skills/Maintenance
Chi Gung and energy field awareness
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence
Discover Archer Goddesses from round the world
Reclaim lost parts of ourselves
Inner Alchemy
Find your Confidence, Backbone and Courage
Myths and legends of empowering female archetypes.
Nature Immersion Fun!
Maximum 8 women per day come to full day or morning only till lunch- morning program has no limit on attendees.
Every Wild Wisdom Day will start with Chi Gung physical practices followed by professional traditional Archery on recurve bows. Lunchbreak. Skillshare then ending with Circle Dance and stillness.
We will discover archer Goddesses from round the World.
Especially working with the original Wild Woman Archetype. Artemis, Lady of the Forest and Virgin Huntress. Virgin by the ancient definition-Woman unto herself, Sovereign, Intuitive, self reliant yet interdependent . Artemis was known for roving the ancient forests of Greece with her hounds and female companions, bow and arrow in hand. Most importantly, she is owned by no one and free.
We will begin with opening circle and meet and greet. Any questions will be happily answered.
Qigong for grounding and centering* Traditional Archery*Lunch* Human Energy field Map* Firecraft*Axe Throwing* Knife Demo so women can get an idea of what kind of knife to get for the course* Nature walk with plant/Tree ID*Guided Meditation to find your Spirit Helpers* Circle dance* Introduction to Archer Goddesses from round the World.
April 1, 2024, 9:30-4:30pm
Grounding and Centering. Shelter Building- Stealth Camping, Navigation using Map and Compass, Knot tying, Intro to Making a "Bug Out" Bag, Safe Knife, hatchet and splitting Maul Handling Skills and maintenance, AXE THROWING, Boundaries. Learn to be comfortable and safe out in "Nature." Learn about Greek Goddesses Artemis and Roman Diana of the Mediterranean.
April 15, 2024, 9:30-4:30pm
Learn to make different kinds of fires for different purposes and effective kindling techniques tailored to group skill level. ( Match, Iighter, Ferro rod, Flint/Steel, char cloth making, magnesium, arc plasma waterproof lighter) Anatomy of the Human Energy Field and the heart center, Cultivating your inner Light. Learn about Archery Goddesses connected with Fire!
May 2024, 9:30-4:30pm
The Magic of Water. Multiple water filters will be demoed with a water purifier group build. Emotions-Empowered Listening, Learn Skills to process Anger and Frustration safely and effectively. Cultivating self love, acceptance and compassion. The difference between Courage and Bravery. Power of Breath. movement and sound to move energy, Learn about healing stones for support, grounding and psychic self defense. Learn about East Indian Goddess Lalita Shakti.
May 2024, 9:30-4:30pm
Introduction to perceiving and Interacting with the Consciousness in Nature also called the "Spirit of Place," traditionally called the "Fae." Guided Meditation to Find your "Spirit Animal," Maps of the Cosmos, Folklore, Accessing your Intuition through Dowsing and sensing. Clearing practices and discernment. Learn about the Irish Goddess Flidais and the Sidhe.
May, 2024, 9:30-4:30pm
We will create medicinal tinctures and infusions with traditional herbal allies of the southern Appalachian mountains. Herbs to boost the immune system, nourish the adrenal glands, Aphrodisiac drinks and more...We will enjoy a wild salad that we pick together. Learn about the Egyptian Goddess Neith of Weaving and the Honeybees.
May- to be announced.
Creatirix and lead instructor of Artemis Archery Asheville and Artemis Archery Adventure Day Camp. Professional level two archery instructor with USA Archery, Wilderness Guide, Naturalist, Qigong Instructor with Healing Tao USA, certified RADkid self defense instructor, Healing Arts practitioner for over 20 years and involved with the Joseph Campbell- Center for Symbolic Studies of Myth and Consciousness in N.Y. Board Member of the Appalachian Dowsing Society and The Leonard Orr Foundation. (founder of Rebirthing Breathwork emotional release)She is a Tour guide to the sacred places of Britain and Egypt for decades. Inspired by ancient lands, she is passionate about reclaiming their treasures for our current time. Healing Arts Website :
Registration: 828 318 9518
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Sisters of the Wild Wisdom has been such a deep, fun, and moving experience for me on so many levels. I completely love learning new skills, as well as sharing and honing my own. The bonds and friendships I've formed with my SOTWW group have been the icing on the cake--those, and the life-long memories! Alexandra is a fun, thorough, and wise teacher who has put together a great course, which I highly recommend. I mean, who doesn't need more wild wisdom sisters?!
Alumni Sisters of the Wild Wisdom
Six month adult course
Thank you for your wild kindness, abundant generosity, shared wisdom and your fierce and joyful instructional guidance. You’ve given me great courage.
Alumni Sisters of the Wild Wisdom
six month adult course
Alexandra Tait is one of the most magical and highly skilled sisters I have ever met. Whether it is a past life regression to unearth broken and challenging patterns that are holding you in a life you don’t want; or adventure sprinkled with humor, dazzling courage and warm bonhomie; or wisdom of the ancients or your own personal goddess to assist you in times of need; Alexandra is the right sister to work with. And she has created the most amazing and inclusive curriculum for women of all ages to thrive and be safe and stand in their power. I am honored to write this about her.
Spirit sister
To take a class with Alexandra is to immerse yourself in a multi dimensional journey of stories, practices, knowledge and experience. She will gently guide you in a day of activities that will be packed with carefully crafted and articulated exercises, meaningful practices, surprise guests and all will be sprinkled with “ta-da” moments. You must be prepared to follow instructions, because her hawk-eye safety and supervision is top priority. You will learn to love and appreciate tools that you use, you will make lifelong memories, you will be using your head and hands, you will be laughing a lot and make friends for life. Taking a class with Alexandra is a transformative experience. Don’t let an opportunity of self growth like this, pass you by.
Alumni of Sisters of the Wild Wisdom
six month adult course.
Assistant Firefly Gathering co ed Archery
Having been a part of archery lessons for my children and myself, as well as the Sisters of the Wild Wisdom experience, I can attest to Alexandra's wide range of skills, and her ability to effectively share those with others. I learned so much in our Sisters of the Wild Wisdom Experience, from ancestral skills (like how to build a shelter, make a friction fire, identify useful plants and more) to accessing deep emotional stores, shamanic journeying in a cave, practicing Chi Gong, learning ways to healthily express anger, etc and all while having an amazing time, and making new friendships over campfire meals that were 5 Stars. Alexandra has been a wonderful mentor, and I highly recommend her camps/lessons. I will absolutely be joining any upcoming modules she offers!
Alumni Sisters of the Wild Wisdom
six month adult course
As a camp counselor last year with Artemis Archery Adventure Day Camp, I was impressed! Even though we worked with knives and bows and arrows, she kept it safe and fun. Alexandra is loaded with wisdom about being a young person and tuning into intuition. She teaches a wide range of self defense skills. The campers got to practice potential real life self defense scenarios in a super fun and empowering way. I believe the campers all left with more self-confidence, feeling empowered, respected and able to walk through life standing tall.
Summer Day Camp assistant counselor
It was a delight assisting Alexandra throughout her “Sisters of the Wild Wisdom” courses and archery trainings. She is a powerful woman, very supportive, with real skills. I came away from this experience feeling like a Badass! - empowered, more comfortable in nature, in my body, thirsting to continue cultivating my new archery and other awesome primitive skills. AND I gained lasting friendships with my new wild sisters. SO MUCH GOOD!
Assistant Sisters of the Wild Wisdom
six month course
Wild Woman Weekend
Firefly Gathering co ed Archery Trainings
Alexandra is a rare gem as a teacher and guide for women of all ages. She holds deep wisdom that spans across many traditions of healing and energy cultivation. Alexandra is one of the few people I know who truly embodies a harmonious weaving of her masculine and feminine qualities. (yin/yang) She is also nobody other than herself! I admire this woman's calm confidence and enjoy every opportunity I get to learn from her.
Wild Wisdom Trainings
Archery Student
In the Sisters of the Wild Wisdom training I got to all these things I never thought I could do. With Alexandra's skilled guidance I always felt safe and supported. I shot arrows, split wood, effectively made fire and more... It boosted my self confidence for sure.
This course is unique! It incorporates emotional intelligence and inner alchemy practices along with ancestral skills. Alexandra is far more than a gym teacher! It was so empowering and fun to do this with other women. This training is amazing and I highly recommend anything Alexandra Tait teaches.
Participant Wild Women Weekend
Archery was always something I imagined myself doing but never tried. Robin Hood, Wonder Woman...You don't realize how powerful a bow and arrow is until you try it. A piece of wood and a string could be a survival tool or a weapon to protect yourself or those you love. I felt like I was getting back in touch with Nature and my natural instincts."
Participant Wild Woman Weekend
Alexandra Tait is an empowering embodied high vibe teacher. I wouldn't want to miss anything she offers as she is a wealth of cultural wisdom and can teach anyone life survival skills in a fun and exciting way.
“Very occasionally, if you pay really close attention, life doesn't suck.”
>----< awakening is my target, enlightenment is the bullseye >——<
Sister of the Wild Wisdom
Co-Teacher Spirit Warrior Renewal
As a woman in her 40s, the memories of archery in the summers as a child continued to play. I was missing something that was so much a part of me. Standing tall with my bow, rooting in the ground, and opening my heart always offered me a sense of deep peace and focus. I am particularly drawn to field archery and being in nature. The outdoors usher in a connectivity and sensory experience that is healing for me. I searched for instructors when I relocated to Asheville, and I finally found Alexandra. I’m particular about authenticity and integrity in the people I surround myself with. I can honestly say she walks in this light. Not to mention, Alexandra is a woman of the forest, period. Her empowering tails of archery goddesses inspire a pearl of ancient wisdom we all share. It’s infectious and I can’t wait for her to start talking each class. She actually emanates the uncurrent of these stories and I love it. Furthermore, I’ve seen her work with many people including children, teens, and adults from all different places and spaces. It’s obvious that people feel a sense of calm around her, and she naturally meets you wherever you are in the moment."
Archery Student
Beloved Archery Instructor for thousands of women at the Michigan Woman's Festival for over 40 years. The largest women's festival in the world. Founder of Artemis Archery West Coast and Daughters of Diana Gathering.
I was honoured to be invited by Falcon to co teach with her in 2016- the last year of this festival and to co teach at the Glastonbury Goddess Festival U.K.
Call of the Wild.
$125-$85 sliding scale per day. If you attend all 5 modules $75 each. Cash, Check, Venmo and Paypal accepted
To Register Call 828 318 9518 or email
Only 8 Women participants per full day. Reserve your spot Today!
Morning only includes opening circle, Qigong and Archery till lunch time. Unlimited amount of women can come just for the morning. Cost$55
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